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At The Second Films, we’ve created a video series called "Top 5 Movies", where we analyze the greatest directors in film history and rank their five best movies based on our humble opinion. Our goal is to share our passion for cinema in an entertaining and accessible way, blending film analysis with a touch of…

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“Black Hands” in Tokyo

Manos Negras at the Tokyo International Short Film Festival. It's incredible to get to the other side of the world. Congratulations Team. We leave you the complete interview with director Alberto Peláez Valtuille in this Link in which we talk a little about the director's life, how he started in cinema, talking about his…

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Cornatel Castle

There are different theories about the origin of this castle, but the theory currently defended by different scholars is that its origin corresponds to the Ulver Castle, which is mentioned in early and mid-medieval sources. It is believed that the castrum originated in a military detachment, due to its great proximity to the gold mining…

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The Y2K Effect

The Year 2000 problem, also known as Y2K Effect, computer problem from the year 2000 or Y2K numeronym (in which Y=year or year, 2=two and K=kilo or 1,000), was a bug or software error caused by the habit that programmers had adopted of omitting the century in the year for storing dates (generally to save…

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Jesús Rodríguez Lemus began in artisanal work of pastoral ancestry with the help of his father Lorenzo Rodríguez Pacheco, a cattle rancher from the Ciudad Rodrigo region. Jesus grew his teeth in the field and enjoyed all the agricultural experiences, including pastoral carvings at knifepoint. Professionally he also lived in the rural world and hence…

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The Unfinished Church

The New Church of Son Servera - S'Església Nova in Catalan - is an unfinished Neo-Gothic church in Son Servera, Mallorca, Spain, intended for Catholic worship and cultural activities. The project of this emblematic point in the municipality of Son Servera was commissioned by the Catalan Joan Rubió Bellver, collaborator of the eminent architect Antoni…

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Santiago´s Way

Santiago's Way is a documentary directed by Theo Peruchon and produced by our previous production company Jabuba Films. It has been 10 years since we made this documentary, many of the protagonists have left us and many others have continued on their path. For us it was a breath of fresh air, a way…

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El cartel del cortometraje corrió a cargo de José Herrera Venditti. Han pasado 10 años desde que se rodó Questra en aquel caluroso verano de 2012 en Salamanca, Castilla y León. La verdad es que el cortometraje de aproximadamente 11 minutos de duración, estaba previsto que se rodará en El Bierzo, pero fue mucho más…

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La punta del Toro

Uno de los primeros sitios que descubrí de Mallorca fue este espectacular accidente geográfico. La punta del Toro se encuentra en el municipio de Calviá y es también una reserva marina. Las reservas del Toro y Malgrats se crearon en 2004 a partir de un estudio de la Sociedat d’Història Natural de les Balears. En…

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The Second © 2025. Todos los derechos reservados. By baianai.

The Second © 2025. Todos los derechos reservados.  By baianai.